True Patriot Love Foundation – Tri-National Mental Health Symposium
The True Patriot Love Foundation, Canada’s leading charity that supports military families, hosted the first annual Tri-National Military Mental Health Symposium at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. on September 24, 2012. The event was attended by thought leaders and representatives from academia, charities, government agencies, and industry in Canada, the United States, and United Kingdom. This event provided the opportunity to learn more about the current military mental health situation in each of the three participating nations, as well as participate in the exchange of best practices; and to understand the impact of recent operational deployments on the mental health of our service personnel and their families. Symposium speakers included The Honourable Stephen Blaney, Canada’s Minister of Veterans Affairs, General Walt Natynczyk, Gary Doer, Ambassador of Canada to the United States of America and Brigadier-General J.R. Bernier, Canadian Forces Surgeon General.